2 Things I Do Not Understand
1) Why is it that when I am outdoors and I walk past someone who is smoking, I can smell the smoke for about 100 feet after I passed the person? From what (I think) I remember about particles suspended in a gas, and how much the air moves around outside (even if you can't feel it), I would think that the smoke would be totally dispersed within seconds. Perhaps I have a superhero-like sense of smell? Once I smelled my friend's cup of Coke to determine that it was diet instead of regular. She was all amazed and excited, like I had performed some astounding feat of superhuman olfaction. I didn't think it was that big of a deal, to be honest, because Coke and Diet Coke are really quite different in constitution. This might be something I should investigate further. Maybe this weekend I will follow around some smokers and see how long I can tail them by only using smell. Policeman smokers. And I'll dress in a black trenchcoat or something so they don't catch on that I'm running an experiment. That sounds like a good idea.
2) Why is there Jägermeister in the freezer at the office at which I'm temping? These seem like pretty sober people, by all definitions of the word.
This was only going to be about the smoke/smell thing until about 30 seconds before I sat down.
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