Friday, February 23, 2007

Nocturnal Omissions

There have been a few strange occurrences happening to me while I've been sleeping recently. (Don't worry, it's not what you're thinking of. That's not strange.) I've been waking up in the morning to find that my left shoulder-bicep area is really cold. Just that one spot. Even when I get in the shower and rub it with warm water, it still feels cold deep inside. Also, my hands have been falling asleep. But not asleep like the rest of me, asleep like that tingling uncomfortable feeling when a part of your body isn't getting enough blood. Usually I just shake my hand or flex my fingers, problem solved. But this morning it was so bad that I couldn't properly flex my fingers. I had to rub my hand and it hurt. Should I be worried? Perhaps some weird coincidence of my bed and sleeping position is conspiring to deny blood to parts of my arms? Or PERHAPS my hands and left shoulder are leading secret, double lives while the rest of me is unconscious? Tyler Durdhands? One that is dark and evil, and leaves me with a cold and painful feeling when my faculties are returned to me. I think I'd prefer the latter, because it would mean that this discomfort isn't my fault. Also, maybe I'd be involved in some giant fantasy adventure to defeat evil? The evil of my own hands?!!?!

What I'm trying to say is that I'd rather my hands were evil than have to re-learn how to sleep.

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