BREAKING NEWS: A Frenchman has built a functional prototype of the Back to the Future II hoverboard from this classic scene:
Now check the real deal:
No indication of whether it is stand-on-able, but it looks pretty legit, right down to the paint job.
I've been dreaming about having a hoverboard my whole life. Though the hot pink BTTF2 one is pretty rad, I prefer the design of the ones from ReBoot (see 1:00 through 1:40 of this video to see what I mean). I confess, I spent a lot of time thinking about this hoverboard when I was 12. Double confession: I still think about it, 15 years later. In the day I came up with a whole system of balance, propulsion, and storage of these things. I could still explain it all, but I'll save you the details. But seriously, if you want to talk about it I will gladly hold forth on my intuitive 360° movement system I "developed" (read: "played with in my imagination"). Using it I would look just like this, except (probably) not blue:

We will continue to track this story as it unfolds. Check back in about a decade when the next step in hoverboard technology develops.
Labels: accurate history, media savvy, musing, NERD ALERT, the interweb, things I (would) like
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