Monday, November 14, 2005

3 Hole Punch

What did people do at work all day before the internet? Must have been BOR-ING.

So I found out the answer to the question of Jägermeister in the freezer that I posited, coincidentally, exactly a month ago. It turns out that this office used to be a big ol' party before they were bought-out. They used to be owned by a bank in Cincinnati, so there was basically no chance of the boss' bosses dropping by to check up. They also had fewer clients, so the days were more laid back. Apparently every Friday around lunch time the people here would break out the beer and start relaxing, and about once a month they would all go out with the rest of the office (sometimes on the company tab) and just drink until somebody did something regretful/hilarious. But now the company is owned by lame-o National City Bank here in Cleveland, and the combination of Big Brother watching and more clients has dried up all the office partying. In a way it was weird to hear about such shenanigans from people who are parents, 10 years older than me, or are otherwise definitely not in college. But mostly it sounds like I got this job a year too late.

Oh, and about the "3 hole punch" deal. There's really no reason except that I got to use one today. I found punching holes in paper with the use of a lever to be very satisfying. It's all *shunk.*


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