I usually try to avoid drinking caffeine. It stems from the regular insomnia that I dealt with in high school, much less frequent once I hit college. The other side is that I get attenuated to caffeine very quickly if I start drinking it regularly. After even a few days of having a Pepsi with lunch I start noticing that I feel tired in the afternoon without it. It's unfortunate because I rather enjoy coffee and coffee-based beverages. I might enjoy coffee more because it is a "luxury" (albeit a commonplace one) that I only afford myself occasionally. This morning was such an occasion. I walked into the kitchen at work and found it smelling wonderful, like some non-specific baking. Surprised that someone would be baking at an office, I look all around: oven, microwave, cupboards, no luck. Just when I was about to give up I realized it was the coffee, some flavor along the lines of "crumbly apple crisp." This is not the type of thing one allows to pass one by, particularly on a morning that I'm feeling that muffled weight that comes with dreary weather and too-little sleep. I can feel my neurotransmitters getting excited already.
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