Vacations are fun, but there is nothing quite like returning home and sleeping in your own bed. Sleeping for 14.5 hours doesn't hurt either.
As I often do when I sleep late, I had some wacky dreams. I dreamed that I went on some kind of cultural exchange program to go live with a communist family up the street from my parents' house. Oh, and the father of the family was Stalin, that was pretty weird too. We talked about classical music, he was pretty okay. But then I snuck out and tried to lead a revolution with a bunch of American and Russian high school kids. (They weren't too into it. Freakin' distractable high school kids.) I also had one later about picking out stickers in a music store. And a bunch of others. And I woke up with "Whisper Grass" by Elbow in my head.
ANYWAY this wasn't supposed to be about dreams. But I guess I am home now so I can do whatever I want.
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