I've been thinking for a while about commissioning some art. I don't really know how one goes about doing that, but I think it would be interesting. I live right near an art school. Perhaps I should just walk over and look around. Or call them up like, "Do you know anyone who can make me some art?" and they'd be all, "Every person I know, ever, could make you some art." Then I'd be all, "Okay but what about someone who could make me some good art?" and they'd be all, "Oh him, yeah let me put him on the line.
The other part of this is that I want to commission a portrait of myself. (It's actually kind of like two different portraits of myself at the same time. I have this really cool concept, but it's not important for the purposes of this thought.) What I'm thinking is, is that really narcissistic and weird? If you go to art museums they're all full of portraits, but it always gives off the vibe that the subjects were awful rich people who were so self-absorbed. But when I was growing up there was this portrait of my dad as a young man that was hanging in my bedroom. I always thought it was really cool, particularly because I currently look exactly like that painting. Even as a kid I felt like I knew this would happen. I always had this idea that it was supposed to be a painting of my father in the past, but it was really a painting of me in the future, like some tralfamadorian coincidence of multiple points of time. It sounds pretty out there to describe it now, but as a kid I sort of took this idea for granted.
Anyway, the point is that there was this portrait of my dad and I really liked it, and now I feel like I'm at a time in my life where I'd like to be remembered. Maybe, like the portraits in the museum, if I get a really good artist to do carry out my ideas then the execution will overshadow the inherent narcissism of paying money to look at a portrait of myself. Then in the future I'll outfit my kid's room with the picture of my dad and the picture of me. "I hope you like these paintings, Junior, because barring any horribly disfiguring accidents you're going to look just like that."
"...well, maybe not just like the one on the right. Daddy took a few liberties with his concept. But hey, maybe you will! Wouldn't that be exciting!?"
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