Music sounds better when it's legal AND free!
So for those of you who like music, I great news! It is particularly good news if you like music that is difficult to find via traditional sources (local Best Buy, your friends). There was an ad run in Spin Magazine, the only magazine I spend the time to read. Check out and get 50 free downloads from their bank of "more than 600,000 tracks from 9,000 of the world's leading independent labels. Unlike the other digital music services, [they] are 100% focused on independent music consumers and labels." Now I've seen these gigs before, they ask you to sign up for something free then run you through the ringer to let you cancel in the hopes that you'll forget or give up and auto-pay from your credit card. However, makes it easy to get in and get out. Though it may end up working against them, they make it easy to cancel your service with the click of a button. Seriously no strings attached. It's easy and legal. So try it out. I found the website and (optional) download manager very easy to use, and I was impressed by the selection of artists. I may even sign up for this once I move out of a place where I can share music so easily with the campus I live on.
(Free) Downloads I am currently enjoying:
dEUS - Pocket Revolution
Dälek - From Filthy Tongue of Gods and Griots
Saxon Shore - The Exquisite Death of Saxon Shore
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