The other day I promised details on my second trip to Chicago within recent memory. (You may remember some posts from another trip I took last October.) My lady has been accepted to a few law schools, and this past weekend we went out to see what the Chicago-Kent School of Law had to offer that might draw her away from the higher-ranked Ohio State University Moritz College of Law (besides a better name and more attractive webpage). Her dad is one of those "travelling all-of-the-times businessmen" and he cashed in a few frequent flyer miles and hotel points, so I was lucky enough to tag along for free! Friday we walked around in Chicago, geting a famous deep-dish pizza before visiting Millennium Park and State Street. After a nice wine and cheese reception at the school we took a tip from another prospy and went to a fancy bar in the Signature Room in the John Hancock Building (a very tall and famous non-Sears Tower building). I guess the observation deck on the 94th floor costs about $10, but one floor up that $10 will get you the same view AND a really fancy drink. This is a blurry cell phone-camera picture of the view at night, showing the "Magnificent Mile" near the center and the spires of the Sears Tower far above the city towards the right. Click to make it bigger:

While Laura was busy doing law school stuff on Saturday, I went to the amazing Shedd Aquarium. Seriously, it was just about the coolest. Probably the #1 thing I'd recommend to any Chicago visitor (or native, for that matter). We met back up and went to the Sears Tower, which was as amazing as it was in October. It was a clear day so the visibility was about 30 miles. Wow. I took more pictures with my smell phone and made this using my very limited Photoshop abilities. (Again, click to see it full size):

I finished off the experience with an overpriced "Chicago-style" hotdog in the airport, and about 36 hours after we had left we were home. Next ChicaGoal: Experience Chicago in the summer when maybe the wind won't freeze your skin.
Labels: adventures, life is good
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