Thursday, July 27, 2006

Jet Lag: Jet Lee's evil older brother

SO I guess I haven't done this in a really long time, though I suppose it's doubtful that anyone noticed. However, I have good reasons for abandoning this, and coming back, and possibly abandoning it again soon.

FOOT UPDATE: It turns out the thing is broken, for real! Hairline fracture of the "foot" bone. Apparently it's connected to the "ankle bone," if I remember the song right. (Un?)Fortunately, by the time I actually saw a doctor it had healed enough that she decided there wasn't any point in doing anything about it. She's all, "If you came in last week I would have put you in a cast, but you waited long enough that it's healing. You're 23 so we have no reason to think it won't keep healing. Luckily it's healing straight, or else we'd have to re-break it." Anyway, long-story-slightly-shorter, after driving home early from a trip to Cleveland, getting a speeding ticket, waiting in the doctor's office for 2 hours, and paying a co-pay, the verdict is: you wasted your time. Thanks yo!

ABSENCE UPDATE: I wasn't just slacking off, I was out of town! First I went to Cleveland for 4th of July weekend, then I went to California! We had a giant family reunion in Yosemite National Park for a week, then we visited Lake Tahoe for a few days, with a trip to Oakland in between. It was rad. I hope to put up a(some) picture(s) of how rad it was. To show you, you know?

UPCOMING ABSENCE UPDATE: I may well not post for another long period of time, because my sister is getting married and I am going to Brooklyn for 1.5 weeks to celebrate right. More on that later?

WHAT STUPID THING ACTUALLY INSPIRED ME TO LOG ON AND UPDATE THIS THING UPDATE: One of the things that I hope is never to be shot. But if I ever do get shot, I hope/plan to have this exact conversation with someone, verbatim-style. If shit goes down, do us a favor, play your part.

* * * Out! * * *

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