My Dang Foot Hurts
A notable part of my life for the past week and a half is that I am Injured. I was playing some basketball with my friends while wearing sandals, and I managed to land on my right sandal in such a way as to bend my foot under and bruise the hell out of it. I don't think it's broken or even sprained, because I've been walking around on it fairly well. I pop a few ibuprofen in the morning and try to keep it elevated, but otherwise I've been trying not to let it get in the way. I don't think I'm being unreasonably stoic. I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can do with a hurt foot/toe other than try not to piss it off even more. So I've spent the week hobbling around like a scholiosis-free Quasimodo. I don't like it very much at all. Nothing hurts more than an injury, plus my team lost the b-ball game once I left. Sucks.
One amusing moment to come out of this ordeal was the day following the initial harm. A group of my friends were having a barbecue, the same group who witnessed the injury the night before. The weather was perfect, and frisbees and water guns were coming out. My foot hurt a lot, and I was having significant troubles moving around, but I didn't want to seem like a party pooper who was just sitting around on a perfect backyard-fun day. I thought to myself, "what would a Cool Dude do in a situation like this?" I thought of House, M.D. one of the few TV shows that I actually know a little about. The main dude, House, in undeniably a Cool Dude, and he straight up walks with a cane and makes it look badass. Well, I didn't know about the second part, but it occurred to me

Now I've finally bitten the bullet and made a doctor's appointment. I fully expect him to tell me that there's nothing terribly wrong with my foot and I should just stay off it. It may be unsatisfying, but at least I'll know I don't have some double-secret fracture or alien infection.
"Nothing hurts more than an injury." Words to live by, Jack Mack 2006.
Labels: adventures, bodily harm, P.A.R.T.Y.T.I.M.E.
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