Friday, June 23, 2006

That's not how you spell "sammiches"

A little while ago I said "One thing I like" and ended up talking about something unrelated. Such is the beauty of a blog. Sometimes I will carefully craft my thoughts into pithy bits of interesting writing. Much more often I will turn my head down towards the keyboard and let some thoughts spill out. I assume if you have made it this far in the blog, you are down with that style. Let me say, bless you for being down with that style.

The other thing I was thinking of on that day in question was: AMBULANCES and, more specifically, the idea that their sirens elicit such a universal reaction. I'm sure there are awful exceptions, but almost universally people will pull to the side of the road and let an ambulance through. I was just talking with some friends about the pace of everyday life, how it's nice that we can abandon worries of "will I eat today" for worries of "did my email get through?" It may seem equally life-and-death to the person emailing, but when they hear that siren, it momentarily falls into perspective. No matter how late you are, there's someone dying and that just takes societal precedence. I doubt most people even think about that moment when it happens, which just proves my point even more. No one can say our culture is entirely narcissistic as long as people make way for ambulances.

This is one of my favorite quotes of all time:

"Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read" - Groucho Marx

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