Thursday, September 07, 2006

Today, this evening, in the last two hours and within two minutes of each other, the internet has delivered me something wonderful and something awful. Neither would have been possible without the internet. (I've erased this sentence too many times, I'm skipping it.)

I'm not surprised that the internet can bring people together in good and bad ways. I've had both happen to me prior to this evening. But the congruence of both happening consecutively and in such disparate ways has honestly shocked me. I'm shocked at how shocked I am.

I knew the internet had me all figured out, all recorded and compiled, but I didn't think it would ever reach out and poke me in the brain like this. I didn't think it could flip those "elation" and "despondency" switches at the same time, and in me. In ME. I didn't know this could all get so personal.

You made it personal, Internet. You came in my house, climbed in my head, and made it personal. Then you gave me a handy list of antonyms to describe my reactions. I figured it was only fit and proper to write about it on the internet. Man, forget you. I'm going to good, old-fashioned SLEEP.

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