Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ring Ring

Okay, I'll be the first to admit it, I've really phoned it in these last few weeks. That has largely been due to frustrations in other aspects of my life. (Non-blog aspects, that is.) But that's all going to change starting today! Yes, today is the day! Monday was spent as a recovery from a cold and my weekend away from frustration. Tuesday was when I warily eyed the rest of my life, forming a plan and staking my claim in the realm of effectiveness. And today, Wednesday, I carried out my plan alacritously! Observe all of the things that I have done today, and be amazed:

• Shaved (believe me, this was a big deal.)
• Called the Temp Agency since I am jobless again/still
• Renewed my prescription
• Sent the too-large belt I ordered back for an exchange
• Dropped off some checks at my bank to be cashed
• Payed 2 bills
• Got back on the Blog horse (So meta right now! I know!)

My stars! It's like I'm some kind of effectiveness machine! Getting a bunch of errands done is always the best way for me to rev myself up. I love making a list at the beginning of the day just so I can cross things out as I do them. It's like a receipt saying that you paid your effort into today, and in return you should feel good.

I'm not stopping here, there's so much day ahead of me. Luckily, I've saved the more enjoyable tasks for the second half of the day. Coming up is: Shopping for/hopefully ordering a space heater, making some adjustment to my arrangement of Good Vibrations for Speakeasy, and watching some of Firefly that Chuck P lent me so I can eventually give it back to him. I think tonight I'll go out, rebelling against my recent hermitude, and perhaps I'll even reward myself by buying some books I've been wanting. Wednesday was not ready for me when it woke up this morning, and I'm taking full advantage!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


skin on your nose does


heal very quickly.

Learn it, Live it, Love it

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yesterday my back was so itchy. I don't know why.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Post-Superbowl Appreciation

I just slept for 10 hours and I feel great!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Better than Power Rangers any day of the week

Today at lunch I got into a discussion about Voltron, which was one of my favorite TV shows as a kid. It inspired me to go on the interweb to try and find anything Voltron-related. I found a clip of the opening segment which introduces the story of Voltron over the theme music which rocks so hard. I noticed that at the end, when the announcer says "Voltron, defender of the universe!" I literally got chills of excitement. I attribute this to my mind's association between that opening theme and the excitement and joy I experienced while watching the show those many years ago. It makes me really happy to know that a childhood association could conjure such tangible elation today.

Activate interlock! Dynotherms connected! Infracells up! Mega thrusters are go! LET'S GO VOLTRON FORCE!

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Did you know "satire" isn't in the dictionary?

I'm a peace-loving guy, which is easy since I have no cultural animosties at all. However, at the risk of inciting anger, I want to point something out:

A Danish newspaper published 12 artists' depictions of Muhammed, some of them satirical, as a supplement to an article about censorship and free-speech. This has caused considerable upset in the worldwide Islamic community. They don't want the figurehead of their religion represented as a man with a bomb in his turban or holding scary weapons. Islam is not all about violence (see, for example). If you're a Muslim, and you're offended, what do you do?

Apparently you forget everything you ever knew about irony, then you take over an EU office with heavy artillery and threaten two countries' citizens with violence. That'll show 'em.

Then to top off the day, you go home and laugh it up with the violently anti-Semitic cartoons that are common in the Arab world.

* * * * *

Some quotes by Muhammed, at least according to the internet:

"He is not strong and powerful who throweth people down; but he is strong who witholdeth himself from anger"
"Do you love your creator? Love your fellow-beings first"
"The ink of the scholar is more sacred than the blood of the martyr"