Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Don't be afraid of "me"

Listen up, users of English. I'm looking particularly hard at users of the internet who post pictures for the public to view. I am tired of being offended. I'm sick of all the obscenity. The assault on my eyes, mind, and sense of decency has gone on long enough, and it's time to set you all straight.

This is a brief synopsis on when to use "I" versus "me."

Don't worry about the actual rule, I'll teach you a simple trick that is accurate 100% of the time. All you have to do is take your sentence and make it as simple as possible. Take out any extra people's names, places or times. Then look to see if your I/me use makes sense. When you add the other people back in, put your name at the end.

"Ashley, Kelly and I at midnight at the pool in Cancun! Wooo!"
"I at the pool!"
Does that sound right? No, instead you would say Me at the pool or if it's clearer This is a picture of me at the pool. (It should not sound right to say "This is a picture of I at the pool." That doesn't work ever.) Make sense? The caption should read...
"Ashley, Kelly and me at midnight at the pool in Cancun! Wooo!"

Let's try another:
"In this picture me and Tiffani are at the bar."
Now this one would be simplified to Me am at the bar which is totally wrong unless you're in Bizarro World. Of course you would say I am at the bar. So then simply add the other name with yours at the end:
"In this picture Tiffani and I are at the bar."
It would be wrong, and arguably worse, to have the caption be "Tiffani and I at the bar." Why? Because that would be simplified the same way as the first example: "This is a picture of I at the bar." You would say "This is a picture of me at the bar" and thus you would say "This is a picture of Tiffani and me at the bar" or simply "Tiffani and me at the bar."

That is the number one mistake of this kind that I notice: people who know that there is a difference between "I" and "me," and think that "I" is supposed to be more proper, so they use it when they actually would have been right using "me."

Is this making sense?

Just make the sentence as clear and simple as possible, then look at your pronoun choice. Why don't you try some with this random girl's pictures I found on myspace (I don't know her):
Jenn and I at Club Sin- yeah we know we look good:)
Jenn, Ash, and I before a night out in Toledo
Me and the girls in Key West:) We had so much fun!

Did you get them? In all three cases the correct pronoun choice was "me!" See? Don't be afraid of "me," it's more proper than "I" in myriad circumstances. Now go out there and properly label things, and use the same trick to speak good too!

6R4MM3R 15 C00L!

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