Thursday, September 14, 2006

News Flashes!

I have gotten enough sleep two days in a row! I even got to wake up naturally with no alarm. It feels incredible, especially since the day before that I was awakened by my boss calling me at 6:10am to remind me that I was supposed to be there at 6am. I had to leap up from my (until-then perfect) slumber and rush in all groggy and unbathed. It was uncomfortable! I had thought I was supposed to be there at 6 PM. This is the danger of working at a place that is open for 16 hours a day.

In related news, having only one job is glorious, especially when you are scheduled to work in the late morning or afternoon. Tomorrow I am not working at all, so the chances of me getting enough sleep three nights in a row are quite good. In other words, do not call me tomorrow morning. Afternoon would be fine/great!

In sports, while eating breakfast this morning I managed to get Corn Flakes all over myself! I was not doing anything extraordinary while eating (jumping, running, battling, etc.), just sitting at the computer and eating. I hope this is not a sign of a degenerative cereal-eating problem, because cereal is one of my favorite foods.

I found a cell-phone headset that makes it legal and easy for me to talk on the phone while driving. A great thing to do while driving longer distances is to call old friends and (a) catch up; or (b) wish them well! It is entertainment for you and makes them happy, a win-win! That is, assuming that people want to hear from you. If they don't maybe try a book on tape that could help you with social skills?

I am considering my Halloween costume for this year. It's never too early to start! Given that I have a beard, and usually I do not, I am thinking of using/altering it in some creative way to make or embellish a costume. I have several good ideas, but suggestions are welcome! Good and bad ideas only, please.

Epilogue: I am not sure if the "celebrity gossip column"-style use of bold text enhanced my writing or undermined it. I was always taught that good writing should not need gimmicks like italics, CAPITALIZATION, or even ex(!)clam(!)a(!)tion points to come across with proper emphasis. But sometimes you have to say FUCK THAT because it's fun!

Also: cussing!

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At 12:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the celebrity gossip style because I love celebrity goss.

Also, yay for sleep!


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